Kevin ~ Although he never had to sleep on the streets, he moved from place to place, feeling rudderless and unloved. His experience changed when someone told him about Feed My Sheep was passing out hot home cooked meals on Lancaster St because he didn't know where he was going to get his next meal or lay his head that night, Once he got to where FMSM was providing good meal and showed him love and compassion it changed his prospective about the homeless community, and he is now thankful for the friends and family he has made with this organization because they helped him at his lowest and never judged him in his situation but gave him Hope even during some challenging times there's still someone out here that really cares!!!
Michelle ~When I meet Mrs Terri, the founder of FMSM, I was at the lowest point in my life. I was in an extremely abusive relationship and without her I would still be there. With her help and guidance I was able to leave, but when I did I had to leave everything but the clothes that me and my son had on our bodies, behind. She helped guide me through living at a shelter and all the resources that they had available to me and my son. Since leaving I have been able to get my own place and that place has furniture, dishes, clothes, and most importantly food. Mrs Terri has helped change me and my son’s lives in every aspect. She is literally my earth angel and I will never be able to repay the kindness, support and love that she has offered me at every turn!!
Stephanie ~ A 36-year-old widow mother with four kids, talks about their experience of being homeless and living in a hotel room after her husband was walking to work and got hit by a drunk driver, when she got the call, it was the moment that changed her life forever. She had no family to turn too so she was all alone raising these young babies with no help or resources to get her back on her feet.
Brain ~ native of Ohio and met a young lady online who begged him to use the last bit of funds he had to come to Texas, so he fell in love with her over the phone and packed the duffle bag of clothes and the $250 he had to hold him until he found employment, so she picked him up from Greyhound bus station in downtown Fort Woth and had all these financial issues she never told him about so he helped her with the money he had and then she took him downtown and left him, so at that point he became homeless, then FMSM found him sitting under a tree and asked if he was hungry, he stated "Yes but i need more than that. I would just like some money to get back to Ohio and not be homeless again." (Update on his situation we helped him find his family so he could get home)